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Messages - Wally

Pages: [1]
OK, an update to the symptoms:

I can access my cameras normally as before, when I am on WiFi (iPhone/iPad) at a coffee house or some such, but NOT, if I am on my iPhone/iPad's LTE (AT&T happens to be my carrier). My iPad has LTEā€¦

I could almost understand not being able to access AT ALL after the switch to google, but I cannot fathom this predicament. I mean why would it matter to iCamSource how I get to it? If it is willing to give it up to the coffee house's WiFi, but not AT&T's internet access/presence?

I have tried it from at least two different WiFi locations

Thanks for you interest, and I will try to ingest your suggested links and understand it some. I don't have a lot of patience for many things network...

iCam Support / can't access my cameras after switching to google fiber
« on: October 22, 2015, 10:16:36 PM »
I got google fiber yesterday. Now I can't access my camera when I am away from my home network. When I AM on my home network, my iPhone accesses my two sources just fine. I still have my old AT&T DSL if you have any side-by-side test suggestions.

iCam Support / Re: iCAMSource 2.1 crashes on my iMac !!!
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:48:10 PM »
I should have given my stats:

Earlier Intel iMac 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo running OSX 10.5.8

I am booted off an external Firewire, but that hasn't proven to be a problem anywhere else for any reason

Everything was fine until I updated to 2.1

iCam Support / iCAMSource 2.1 crashes on my iMac !!!
« on: September 19, 2010, 11:31:53 AM »
Hi all -

ever since I updated, iCAMSource has been NOT running when I come home after a spell. Further, lately, it locks up my whole computer causing me to hard crash/restart !!! Unacceptable. Any ideas anyone? As I type this, I wonder if it does not know how to elegantly handle a stored files limit... I will investigate this and get back to you all..

- Wally

Thank you -

I hadn't noticed that before... that'll teach me to RTFM...

Any advice or info on whether I need to keep my mac from sleeping to ensure that it runs continually? If it does go to sleep, do I need to restart it at each waking?

Thanks -

- Wally

When I start iCAMSource, I do not see the icon in the task bar. I don't even know how to quit it. I <command><tab> to switch applications, and it does not appear in that list either.

Over the past two weeks while I was out of town, it ran for a few days, and then I could not connect to it for the past 10 days or so. The computer was not set to stay awake, so why did it run for 5 days, even if the computer was allowed to go to sleep? When I got back home, it iCamSource shut down each time the computer slept, OK, but where is it? How come I cannot see it when it is running?

Currently, it is nowhere to be found, though I double-clicked on the icon. I saw that some new version was available (for the iPhone) on this forum, and there was a link to a different version of iCAMSource? I downloaded that and ran it, and it did not "appear" either.

I reset the video converter for my camera (which I sometimes have to do - it converts video into Firewire) and then ran the iPhone app again, and apparently, both iCAMSource apps where running concurrently, because TWO of the four windows on the iPhone had the source (same source, of course ;) ), then it immediately posted a communication error message or something like that.

I am now going to restart the machine and see what I can make happen.

I realize that there were some posts about trying to hide the iCAMSource from appearing and I have done nothing to try to set that up.

- Wally

iCam Support / Re: iCam Web stalls streaming
« on: May 15, 2010, 01:02:21 PM »
Yes -

to the iPhone, it seems to go indefinitely.

- W

iCam Support / iCam Web stalls streaming
« on: May 13, 2010, 08:14:28 PM »
Hi all -

I am using iCam Web and the stream stalls and I have to click on the "sharing" link and retype the two words that prove I am not a computer to get it to stream again... it runs just 20 seconds or so before it stalls again, every time..

any ideas?


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