Thanks for your post.
Have you read the iCam/iCam Pro feature comparison page? - biggest change in iCam Pro is the new video and audio encoding. iCamPro uses VP8 video encoding and Vorbis audio encoding. This change means that iCam Pro has better quality and framerate while using less bandwidth.
Another big change is in the recording feature. Previously, recordings were stored as sequences of JPEG files. With the new encoding, the recordings are now stored as standard .webm files that can be played in a web browser or a media player such as VLC. Additionally, users can now start and stop recording from the iCam Pro app on their phone.
Beyond the media encoding, the most noticeable change for users will be the amount of settings that they can now change remotely from their iOS device. Most of the settings on the iCamSource Pro desktop program can now be changed from the iCam Pro app. Examples include the motion detection grid zones, detection thresholds, and scheduling.
Those are probably the changes most noticeable to an existing iCam user. There are many other new features, such as local LAN discovery, widescreen camera support, sound detection, and auto-detection of MJPEG URLS for IP cameras.