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ipCam Support / Flash time limit
« Last post by Stout on October 06, 2021, 06:53:31 AM »
Is there a way to extend the time the Flash on the iPhone is turned on? As it is now it seems to limit to 30-60 seconds and then turn off. Then I have to click on "turn off" on the webpage to able to "turn on" again.

I have the iPhone connected to an iMac therefore the battery is no problem for me and I would be able to turn on and shut off the Flash manually or be able to set a time limit by myself.
iSpy Support / PTZ recommendations - small, value for money
« Last post by vakogtx on September 26, 2021, 10:12:59 AM »
Hi all,
Recently got an Imou Ranger 2c as it's supposed to at least stream to iSpy, but alas despite trying every suggestion I could find in here and various other articles/forums it just wouldn't work. I'm guessing they've changed something in the latest firmware. Imou support wasn't helpful. Even their Windows app doesn't work (at least for me).

So I'm looking for recommendations for PTZ cameras that are supported in iSpy.
The main criteria are:
Fully supported in iSpy, inc PTZ functions
Similar size to Ranger 2c (~5" high, 3" diameter)
Reasonably priced (<$100)
They don't have to be weather proof
1080 is preferred
Wall/ceiling mountable

Thanks in advance.
iSpy Support / iSpy Does Not Work on Android (Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0)
« Last post by odysseyofnoises on September 01, 2021, 09:26:40 PM »

I downloaded iSpy from the Amazon App Store, but the app does not appear to work anymore. It looks like it attempts to load the list of webcams, but it stays stuck on the spinning wheel forever and does not advance.
iCam Support / Flash time limit
« Last post by Stout on August 26, 2021, 12:02:08 PM »
Is there a way to extend the time the Flash on the iPhone is turned on? As it is now it seems to limit to 30 seconds and then turn off. I have the iPhone connected to an iMac therefore the battery is no problem for me and I would be able to turn on and shut off the Flash manually or be able to set a time limit by myself, lets say 2 minutes or whatever.
iCam Support / Frame rate and focus
« Last post by Stout on August 26, 2021, 11:11:50 AM »
Hi there,
As we're in to 2021 and higher band width, is there any possibility to raise the frame rate? As I understand maximum is 15fps but I would like to get higher because of stuttering video. 30fps would be great to have.

Also, is there a way to turn off auto focus. The reason for asking is that I'm using an iPhone to check my 3D printer and it's mounted on the printer to be able to view the correct angle of the nozzle. When it's moving around the iPhone tries to focus which makes it more blurry than sharp picture.
iSpy Support / Does iSpy support RING cameras?
« Last post by RCordova on August 12, 2021, 08:46:39 AM »
I have a RING floodlight camera. The RING app disconnects after 10 minutes. I want to watch the camera real time (live feed). Does iSpy support this?
iCam Pro Support / Re: Can't enter icloud credentials in iCam Source Pro
« Last post by Stefan on August 10, 2021, 07:08:40 PM »
iCam Pro doesn't support using your iCloud storage to store events, unfortunately.

Our iCam Pro Cloud subscription service is what that tab in the iCamSource Pro is for:

Also, if you are unable to enter your credentials, simply click the Stop button to stop the iCamSource Pro before making any changes.
iCam Support / Re: iCamSource stopped working on iPhone
« Last post by Stefan on August 08, 2021, 02:40:11 PM »
It may be that something has changed with your network configuration or perhaps your mobile carrier. On the iCamSource Mobile, if you browse to Options > Advanced, do you have either the Auto-Config Router or Port Forwarding enabled?

If not, if you try turning on the Auto-Config Router switch before tapping Start, and are you then able to connect from a different network? If not, what is the message that appears underneath the Auto-Config Router switch after you have started the iCamSource Mobile? (You'll have to navigate back to the Options > Advanced screen after tapping "Start".) If it doesn't say something similar to "UPnP Success" then your router was not properly auto-configured to receive the connection from outside of your local network, and manual port forwarding may another solution.
iCam Support / iCamSource stopped working on iPhone
« Last post by Naveed on August 08, 2021, 11:06:15 AM »
Been working perfectly fine for years but yesterday it stopped and now i'm unable to connect to any cameras aside from the PC ones that are running icamsource

I've tried on multiple phones and multiple carriers on wii and LTE, also got a friend to try and he's having the same issue.

EDIT: Looks like it connects on the SAME wifi network, but not any other way

iCam Pro Support / Can't enter icloud credentials in iCam Source Pro
« Last post by egougar2 on August 05, 2021, 03:47:54 PM »
Using iCam Source Pro on two iOS devices, an iPhone 8 and an iPad Air. I want to capture events to the iCloud, but I'm unable to enable iCloud event uploads because I cannot enter my iCam Pro Cloud Email and Password. The fields are present in the Cloud options page, but when I try to select the fields to type in my credentials, they are not selectable, and I cannot get a cursor in those fields, so I am unable to type anything into them.  Please advise.
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