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Messages - OUAnthony

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iCam Support / Re: Camera offline but not offline
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:13:04 PM »
When setting up the camera, did you assign it a static IP address on your router? Did you make any changes or reboot anything immediately before the camera went offline?

iCam Support / Re: iCam Does Not See My Webcam
« on: September 26, 2013, 06:15:09 PM »
I replied a couple of hours ago, but forgot that you were on a Windows machine, not a hopefully you didn't waste time reading my initial response. Anyway, have you installed the most recent version of the drivers for that camera ( )? And are those drivers compatible with Windows 64-bit? Also, have you installed all Windows updates? Is the camera plugged directly into a USB port on the computer (not a USB extender cable or USB hub)? Have you tried rebooting the computer with the camera attached?

If the answer to all of the above questions is yes, what software did you use to test the camera with (Skype, etc) to make sure that the system detects and can display the video feed from the camera? Did it show up in the dropdown list for the program that you tested with?

iCam Support / Re: iCam Does Not See My Webcam
« on: September 25, 2013, 09:01:14 PM »
You say your webcam is on. Do you mean that you are already using the webcam with other software (Skype, etc)? If other software is already accessing the camera, icamsource.exe won't be able to access it.

iCam Support / Re: Double Pictures when viewing iCam
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:45:38 PM »
After exiting icamsource in the taskbar, and looking in the Task Manager, did you look in the "Processes" tab and click the "Show processes from all users" button at the bottom to see each process that was running? I run icamsource as a service, so it doesn't show up in the "Applications" tab...I can only see it in the "Processes" tab. But unless you went through the effort of running icamsource as a service, that is definitely a strange behavior!

iCam Support / Re: Almost connected!
« on: September 11, 2013, 11:32:23 PM »
It sounds like you might be better off configuring manual port forwarding instead of using the auto config feature. What I did on mine...forwarded the ports (ex: UDP ports 12000-12100) from my Verizon modem/router to the IP address of my second router...then forwarded some of those ports (I'm running icamsource on 2 computers) from the second router to the IP address of one of the computers running icamsource, and some of the ports to the IP address of the other computer running icamsource. Then I enabled manual port forwarding in icamsource and typed the corresponding port range in each computer's icamsource. It was a pain, but the only thing I could do if I wanted to use my second router as the primary router (instead of using the FIOS router).

iCam Support / Re: Almost connected!
« on: September 11, 2013, 12:51:15 AM »
Do you have NAT disabled on the secondary router? If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I configured mine), NAT and DHCP are separate features.

iCam Support / Re: Almost connected!
« on: September 09, 2013, 05:30:31 PM »
Double NAT means you have 2 devices acting as routers. Try disabling DHCP and Network Address Translation (NAT) on your secondary router...this will basically convert it from a router into a network switch. Your primary router will handle all of the NAT and the IP address assignments, even for devices behind your secondary router.

iCam Support / Re: Run ICam when PC is off
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:50:36 PM »
I completely agree with rjgvt. The motion monitoring/recording features that are built-in to many IP cameras can present various problems: too sensitive or not sensitive enough...or changing the sensitivity setting doesn't seem to change you have to figure out how/where to save the recorded events. If you have recorded motion events e-mailed to you, e-mail servers can be slow and often have limits on how many messages can be sent in a given amount of time (to prevent spam), AND have data limitations. You're much better off spending the extra little money on electricity to keep your computer on 24/7. In addition to using my computer to run icamsource 24/7, I also use my computer as a DVR (I'm running Windows 7 Pro, which includes Media Center, paired with a cable card tuner so I can use it with my HD TV service--works with FIOS/Time Warner/etc), and as a remote computer (there are a few things I just can't do directly on my phone, but that I can accomplish through my phone by tapping into my computer). This helps justify leaving it on 24/7. You'll just want to make sure your laptop is always plugged in and sitting on a hard surface (not cloth or carpet) so it can get good airflow, and use compressed air to occasionally clean out the fan air inlet and outlet.

iCam Support / Re: Source Connection Error
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:20:00 PM »
I'm glad you found something that worked effortlessly for you. My guess is that Vuezone must use a proxy to help establish a connection (regardless of network complexity). The latest version of iCam and icamsource have a proxy option available (free public one or paid private one) that would likely fix all of your problems, just FYI. You have to run the latest version of both iCam and icamsource to see/use the proxy option, though. I traded a couple of messages with SKJM a while back, and they had been working towards this functionality for some time (unbeknownst to us). Apparently, the inclusion of very high-level encryption (256-bit) a while back was in preparation for the proxy option. I don't know if Vuezone mentions the level of encryption available in their software, but it's nice to know that my security feeds are safe/encrypted when being piped through a proxy server owned by someone else when using iCam. Just something to think about, in case Vuezone doesn't really discuss their encryption/security of your private/sensitive security feeds.

I think you'd need to use 2 different port ranges (of at least 5 or 6 ports per camera), with each range forwarded to its respective computer running icamsource...and make sure each computer has a static IP address. Other than that, it's really easy to set up...simply use the same iCam username/password on both computers. My only concern would be whether or not your WiFi will get bogged down by all of the wireless traffic...but the only way to find out is to try. :)

iCam Support / Re: iCamSource AutoStart doesn't work
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:41:28 PM »
Autostart just means that it starts acting as a server (to serve up your camera feeds, record motion, etc) as soon as you run the program. Running icamsource as a service allows the program to run shortly after the computer is powered on, even if Windows requires a password for a user to logon.

iCam Support / Re: Source Connection Error
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:33:10 PM »
For what it's worth, your employer is probably restricting UDP traffic or has a complex network that doesn't allow uPNP. Don't you think it's weird that iCam worked flawlessly until you moved a computer from home to work? Anyway, it's a network issue of some sort...something the folks at SKJM/iCam have little (actually, ZERO) control over. The information you provided here has been pretty gave no technical information (such as the uPNP error messages or the camera information requested) to SKJM so they could help you. Frustration is understandable (technology does that), but acting like they don't care to help it's customers is kinda lame. I've been an active member on this forum for years, and have seen them release custom versions of icamsource for people experiencing bugs unique to their systems. For a $5 app, I've never seen better customer service.

iCam Support / Re: Android help
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:01:06 PM »
Do you get the same error on your Galaxy S3 when you're connected to the same wifi that the icamsource computer is on?

iCam Support / Re: Can't configure Tenvis camera
« on: August 07, 2013, 08:12:13 PM »
You could try resetting the camera to default factory settings, then trying ".../videostream.cgi" again to see if that has any effect. If not, you might see if you have the latest firmware installed on the camera. If neither of those work, I'm out of ideas...but hopefully SKJM will have some ideas. Or you could contact Tenvis customer service and see if they can provide the appropriate link for the MJPEG feed for your particular model (some manufacturers use different URLs for different models). If they provide one not suggested by the tools you tried previously, post the link so SKJM can update their tools...I'm sure they'd greatly appreciate it.

iCam Support / Re: Can't configure Tenvis camera
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:50:40 PM »
You mention that ".../videostream.cgi" is recommended on the support page. Is that specific for the Tenvis camera? Have you tried changing it to ".../video.cgi" to see if that works?

If that doesn't work, try both of these tools to see if they can help get the correct link:

Also, I doubt this is the issue...but there's a small chance that it is....someone in the past discovered a weird bug on a certain brand of camera that the camera did not support passwords with non-alphanumeric characters (ex: % or #) when using a certain type of encryption (I think it was WPA2). If you have any non-alphanumeric characters, you could try changing it in both the camera and in icamsource (the camera login password). I wouldn't waste time on this unless you can't get another URL to work.

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