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Messages - OUAnthony

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54]
In case the wake-on LAN feature isn't what you were after, you could also use remote desktop connection (assuming your Windows computer is already powered on) to control the computer and execute the program. Some of these remote connect apps for the iPhone are free. You would just need a basic free one in order to do this. Just make sure your laptop has remote desktop enabled and that the laptop has a static IP address. Also, if you get a free DDNS (dynamic DNS) and set up some port forwarding through your router/firewall, you can remote connect to your laptop from anywhere in the world to disable/enable the icamsource software. Once you get it all set up, it's easy sailing!

iCam Support / Re: sound only option
« on: March 14, 2010, 06:24:29 AM »
I 2nd this request. It would also be cool if there was a feature for the sound similar to the motion record if a sound crosses a predefined threshold, then audio will be captured for X number of seconds as a relatively-low bitrate mp3 file for quick transmission once saved.

iCam Support / Re: Feature Suggestion
« on: March 14, 2010, 06:11:28 AM »
I would like to second CJD's request about being able to trigger a command output...would like to integrate it with home automation software/hardware. That would be very cool!

iCam Support / Re: D-Link DCS-920 OSX Config???
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:53:47 AM »
Just wanted to verify Jay's post for the DCS-910 and DCS-920 source link as http://cameraIPaddress/video.cgi for mjpeg...and you have to type in the username/password for the camera in order for the feed to work. Also, isbent's advice is good...make sure you focus the camera by turning the lens. Resolution is pretty good...this camera is does a good job for a pretty low price.

iCam Support / Re: Feature Suggestions: Mass delete
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:34:01 AM »
I second this suggested feature. Really, one could write a very simple batch file and use task scheduler to run that batch file every week or whatever. But it would be nice to have features incorporated into the icamsource software (delete images every so often) and into the icam app (mass delete). If anyone is interested in the batch file route, copy and paste the one line of code below into Notepad...then save it as motiondelete.bat (change "save as type" to "All files" before clicking save). Then use Windows Task Scheduler to execute the batch file every desired increment of time.

rmdir /s /q "C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Videos\[folder named with long number]"

For example, my code is as follows. Note that my images are saved on a different drive/directory and in my dropbox folder (for automatic--and free--offsite backup of motion images, go to If you delete the images from your dropbox folder, they are also automatically deleted from the dropbox server...just a warning.

rmdir /s /q "H:\My Documents\My Dropbox\Photos\1111A1A11A111A111A11AA1111AAAA111111A111"

I do not run my batch file automatically in case someone breaks in moments before my computer is scheduled to delete all of the images. But I have the batch file on my desktop so I can run it when I know it's safe to do so. Once the directory is deleted, icamsource will automatically recreate the directory (with the same name/number) when the next motion is detected. Hope this helps!

iCam Support / Re: Safe, fast backup of MJPEG streams via Dropbox!
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:05:07 AM »
For Windows users, you will need to open your icamsource (from the taskbar) and use the "change" button to change the directory for saved motion images...from the default to the new dropbox folder, which is automatically sync'd. Once you do this, your pictures will be sync'd to dropbox's server. Big thanks to you Zarkov...this is the only thing that I REALLY felt was missing from this awesome app.

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