I promised an update once all 4 cams were in place, so here ya go!
I'm using the following cameras:
Living Room: Linksys WVC54GCA
Garage: Airlink101 AIC250W
Back Porch: D-Link DCS-920
Study (Road): TrendNet TV-IP110W
I'm using them all wirelessly, they all have a reserved static IP based on their MAC address, each with a different associated port number because they each have their own Dynamic DNS. So not only can they be used by the iCam iPhone software I can also independently access each one via the Internet and view their video and/or access them as an Admin and modify their settings.
They were all very easy to set up too. Below is some basic info about each one.
If anyone has questions, beyond their regular features, about performance, GUI, quality, etc.. please just let me know.