@Pontihog - i'm no expert but things just got a whole lot better by using the registry file that gives icam source it's port ranges visible in the program. Have you got that installed? and if so turn of 'auto configure' ports and set your ranges and duplicate these in your router port forwarding and that's about all the advice I can give, that little registry update that gave me the port ranges visible was a big help, though I am using icam on 4 seperate PC's. Maybe that could help you with your situation. The proxy support screen is one of the default displays for a non connection so I no longer attribute anything to it more than that now.
Thanks, yes I have used the registry file. I have used that for quite a while.
I am hoping someone can answer why I can connect with the Foscam and Tenvis apps reliably everytime, but Icam has turned unreliable.
I can VNC and use other manufactures apps 100 % of the time but everytime I use iCam I get buy Proxy time.