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What is the "message to check the IP address" error? Are you using the MJPEG URL for your AirLink cameras from http://skjm.com/icam/mjpeg.php ?Depending on which camera firmware version you are running, the MJPEG URL for that camera will be either http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/cgi/mjpg/mjpeg.cgi or http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the camera.
If you are seeing a UPnP / NAT-PMP error message then the router auto-configuration is failing. Does your router support UPnP or NAT-PMP? If you uncheck the Auto-Config Router checkbox are you able to connect via WiFi and 3G?
The UPnP / NAT-PMP issue shouldn't affect how the iCamSource is able to connect to network IP cameras on your network, unless the cameras need to be unplugged and re-plugged in.(I am currently connecting to 5 network IP cameras from my Mac mini at home.)Are you running the latest version of the iCamSource from our website?
It looks like your modem is indeed also a router, as it is listed on portforward.com:Thanks for pointing that out! Kept pulling my hair, trying to figure out the port-forwarding problem I had. But that tid-bit fixed me up!Using VisionNet M404 Single Port Ethernet Modem. Under the Advanced>NAT>DMZ setting, I was able to add the IP from iCam Source (configure router). Now everything appears to work great on Wi-Fi, AT&T Edge & 3G.Thanks!
Ah, you have an old G4? It may be a CPU issue with the iCamSource connecting to all of those cameras, then.What is the % CPU usage for the iCamSource in the activity monitor? Also, what is the frame rate that you have set for your cameras? I currently connect to 5 network IP cameras from an Intel Mac mini and it uses about 60% of the CPU with each of the cameras sending video at 2 fps. (Increase the frame rate and you will also increase the CPU usage.) You can also try disabling motion detection for each camera to see how much that helps your CPU usage, as well as decreasing the frequency with which the motion detection logic is performed.