I'm looking for a way to automatically restart iCamSource after the PC restarts. I'm striving for "set it and forget it" maintenance. Is there any built-in setting for this function?
I attempted to use Vista's (Home Premium) Task Scheduler without much success. I created a new task to start "C:\Program Files (x86)\iCamSource\iCamSource.exe". The task is triggered at system startup. When it's run under SYSTEM or LOCAL_SERVICE account iCanSource starts (see it in task manager) but doesn't seem to function. When attempting to use a user account, I get an error - "Task Scheduler failed to start "\iCam utility" task for user "Vysk4\Randy". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726."
As a aside, after starting iCamSource interactively I used Task Manager to view the iCamSource's memory usage. It oscillates from 43MB to 125MB every 10 seconds or so. Seems weird but it works.
Any help is appreciated!