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Messages - brodel

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iCam Support / Re: icam 2.1 and 2.1.1 crashes on iPhone when on 3G
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:06:23 PM »
Well I have no explanation for this. Yesterday I went out and tried it and it worked flawlessly as usual. Maybe my iPhone was having a bad day.. I dunno.

If it happens again, I will uninstall it and reinstall it. Thanks for the responses.

iCam Support / icam 2.1 and 2.1.1 crashes on iPhone when on 3G
« on: October 29, 2011, 07:33:23 PM »
Hey all.. I've been using iCam and loving it for about 2 years now, but today while I was out and tried to use it, it crashed on me several times. I thought it was weird, but oh well I'll try later. A little later I tried and got the same thing.

The four panels come up and it looks like it's about to load and show me the two sources I have running but then it just pops me back to the home screen. I've killed the app in the task switcher and got the same result. Then I tried rebooting my phone.. same problem. Then I had the thought of checking for updates even though I thought I just updated recently. I did and saw that there was a fresh update for iCam and was excited to think it would fix the problem based on the description in the app store. Unfortunately, that didn't change anything. I tried the same stuff again (killing the app, rebooting) but it didn't work. I was a little frustrated, but figured I'd play with it more later.

Now I'm at home and it's working great on WiFi. When I turn WiFi off it gives me the same results as before. The WiFi network I am on is the same network where the iCam sources are running if that matters. I don't have a way to test it on another WiFi network at the moment. Does anyone have any ideas on this?

I am on iOS 4.2.6 and iCam version 2.1.1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

That's all it was!

Thanks. I guess I was thinking of the software "pulling" it as opposed to the camera "pushing" the video into the application. In any case, adjusting those settings fixed the issue and the CPU isn't pegged. I am gonna play with it to see if I can get an even trade off for video quality and performance. Thanks again!


I have been using the skjm icam iphone app with the windows source app for a few months now and it's been nothing less than fantastic. I show people on my iPhone and they want to do it too and I of course point them here and a few of them get it for themselves.

Anyway.. I recently got an IP camera to get a better view of what I was looking at. I set it up in the application and it seems to work for a second. I can see video but it's HORRIBLY slow. I set it up downstairs and got it where I wanted it and when I came upstairs to check on it, I could see myself in front of the camera setting it up.

The processor jumps straight to 99% utilization as soon as I click start now and after a few minutes it will just give up and die.

I searched around and found some posts related to this saying it might help to update the C++ runtime stuff. I did that, but it didn't help.

I don't know what else to try. Any ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks much.

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