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Messages - dadatwork

Pages: [1]
ah. . . will try "startup" not "start menu." What a dummy.  Will shrink back in a hole grateful for the help if it works. . . 

Yea. I am hesitant to work with the Registry, but not completely opposed to it.

What I ended up doing was installing the program on my account as an administrator, then dragged the icamsource shortcut to the start up menus for everyone:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu

The first time everyone logged on I walked them through the set up, but now there is a new problem. Even though the the "auto start" is set for each user, after they logout and later come back to login, the program does not work unless they double click on the icamsource short cut.   I'm unsure why it isn't auto-starting? Thoughts?

Hi guys,

I have been using a Logitech Quickcam (S5500- webcam) on a single computer with the icam software for monitoring. It has been working great. I now want to use another webcam on a separate computer (same login/password right?) which is shared by 12 people of which I'm the administrator.  It seems that even though I added the icamsource to the start menu, the first time a user logs in he needs to add the user name and password to get it to work from there on out.  Any work around for that as an administrator? I have no problem doing that 12 times for each person, but it would be easier to not do that.

Thanks anyway, problem solved for now.

Hi Guys,

Love the program. I have not tried to install a 2nd camera yet, so today when I downloaded the program to my Mac and opened my iphone to view it- I noticed the webcam I have on my windows PC at my office no longer was viewable. . .?? Its been working fine all morning, until I started using the MAC. Any ideas?

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