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Messages - TK36738

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Trouble Connecting
« on: December 14, 2013, 12:27:12 PM »
Hey everyone,

I am getting started with iCam and iCamSource for the first time. I am using this site ( / icam / help/ link as a guide. Yes, I did search around before posting.

Here is a breakdown of where I am what what issues I need help resolving:

Equipment and Initial Setup
1. Camera: Foscam FI8910W
2. I have it set up wirelessly to my network (via help with the Foscam setup tool)
3. I am using a MAC and I have it properly set up on the iCAM software (i.e. it works when I hit "Start")
4. When I use my phone, connected to my home wifi, on the iCamSource software, I connect and it works

The Problem
1. On my phone, when connected to LTE or 3g, I get an error "One or more of the iCamSources returned by the iCam Broker Server could not be connected to." I would like to know how to fix this so that I can view on my phone, remotely

Attempted fixes
1. I checked the iCam software on my MAC and there is a note "UPnP may not be enabled." I checked my router and indeed, it is enabled
2. I tried to connect with and without encryption, the same error results

I hope someone can help me resolve.

Thank you.

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