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Messages - marcb

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iCam Support / Re: Command Line Stop / Start?
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:15:29 PM »
Yes, it was set.  Maybe I was just running it too often during testing and that caused the connection to the camera to get locked up somehow.  Ill try running it every 15 minutes and report back on the results.

BTW, I would prefer to not have to use the BAT file if I could get iCamSource working with my camera.  But maybe its just a junky camera and there is no way to resolve that.

iCam Support / Command Line Stop / Start?
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:25:55 AM »
Hi everyone,

I have a camera that seems to be less than reliable when used with iCamSource (details at which requires me to click the Stop / Start button to "refresh" the connection to the camera.  While its not ideal, clicking that button in the Win7 application seems to do the trick.  What I would like to do is setup a BAT file in Windows that basically simulates the click on that button.  Is that possible?

I tried a BAT that kills the iCamSource process and then spins up a new one and it kind of worked, but rather than seeing video when the new process started the iCamSource app (on the desktop) just showed a grey box where the video should be.  That BAT looked like this:

#change directory
cd "c:\Program Files\iCamSource"

#force kill the existing process
taskkill /f /im iCamSource.exe

#this line adds a little bit of a "sleep" to make sure the previous process is killed off before the new one starts
ping -n 3 -w 3000 > nul

#start a new process
start iCamSource.exe

#close the command line window

FWIW Im having this exact same problem with a Gigaware camera too.  I have to remote into my Win 7 workstation and manually Stop / Start to get the video stream working again.  I have the latest version of iCam, no other video app software installed, the camera is connected right to a USB port on the computer itself, etc.  The OS and drivers are current although the Gigaware video doesn't need anything other than the Windows cam driver.

Would love to see a fix for this if possible...


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