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Messages - kb1990

Pages: [1]
Hi, Stefan:

Thanks for the explanation, which is kind of confusing. Looks to me that the user name and passward are encrypted first, BUT the information is still sent out to the broker server.

And when my iPhone need to connect to my computer, it must talk to the broker server first, right? Based on my user name, the server can find out where is my computer. I guess the server must have stored the information on my user name and password, and IP address.

After I read several threads on this forum (, I am very concerned about how secure of my webcam.

As explained in the forum, iCam is using P2P technology, and need an iCam Broker Server to manange the connection. iCamSource sends my user name, passward, etc. to this server for registration. Since the broker server manages the Internet connection, it must also store my IP address.

I have no idea where this server is hosted, is it secure? If someone can access it, or hack it, that will be really bad. Some one can just login to my home computer and see my home camera!

I do not care if someone can retrieve a song or two from my computer, but I am REALLY concerned if someone can peep into my webcam and see my home.

I did not realize iCamSource will send my user name and password out, to be stored somewhere I don't know! 

I start to wonder if I should leave my webcam always on 24/7?

I am new to this forum, anyone else here has this concern?


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