Author Topic: iCam live feed showing frozen image.  (Read 4006 times)


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iCam live feed showing frozen image.
« on: May 11, 2013, 07:25:51 PM »
So here is the current configuration:

My iMac is running the iCamsource which is connected to my iPhone via the ipCam app with iCam running on my iPad.

The iCamsource is showing the iPhone's live feed fine however when I go into the iCam app it constantly shows a still shot from the iSight camera on the iMac from yesterday. When I go into the motion events for the ipCam however it still seems so be recording the motion events with no problems. The only thing that doesn't seem to be working is the live feed on iCam on the iPad.

Any ideas why this might be?

Thanks in advance. 


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Re: iCam live feed showing frozen image.
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2013, 01:53:05 AM »
It sounds like you have 2 cameras set up through icamsource....your iPhone (via ipCam) and your iSight (on your iMac). In my experience (with Windows), I've had USB cameras (built-in cameras) freeze after using them for any extended amount of time, and I'm pretty sure it was driver issues or power-saving issues. It wasn't an issue that only occurred in happened in programs like Skype too. Because I found USB cameras to be somewhat unreliable, I switched to IP cameras. I have had a static image on one of the IP cameras (in the iCam app) when the camera lost network connectivity.

So for the still shot displayed by your iSight, you might check to make sure that your iMac is not entering sleep mode or somehow disabling the camera to save power. I don't have a Mac, but I'd assume they'd have options similar to a PC as far as that goes. And if drivers are required, make sure they're updated. If the IP camera (your iPhone in this case) is displaying a still image, make sure that it's not losing network connectivity.

For the last bit of your post, I'm a little confused because you're talking about viewing the iPhone's live feed in icamsource, but only seeing a still shot from the iSight camera in iCam. iCam should be displaying 2 camera feeds, if it's successfully connecting to icamsource. Does icamsource display any error messages when connecting to the server? Or does iCam display any error messages (usually it takes around 20-30 seconds for the error message to come up) saying that a source couldn't be connected to...or something like that? I'm not familiar with the Mac version of icamsource, but I assume the options are pretty much the same. In the Windows version, there's an option to enable auto router configuration. You should probably have that enabled if you have more than one camera (based on my experience), and you also need to have uPNP (or the Mac equivalent) enabled in your router. My guess is that you're having some sort of connection/firewall issue if you're only seeing one feed, but you're able to see both feeds in icamsource. If motion events are being recorded from your iPhone, that also leads me to think you have a connection/firewall issue between your iCam device (the iPad) and your home network. Or are all devices on the same network when this issue occurs?


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Re: iCam live feed showing frozen image.
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 04:23:54 AM »
Currently only the iPhone is set up in iCamsource but the image in iCam associated with the iPhone is a still shot from the perspective of the iSight camera as there is no way it could have been taken by the iPhone.

If were to set up the iSight camera in iCamsource then two feeds would show in iCam, the iSight camera would work fine streaming live on iCamsource and iCam. But the iPhone's live feed would only appear on iCamsource and the still shot as described above would show on iCam.

There is no error message on either the iCamsource or iCam and all devices are running on the same network.


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Re: iCam live feed showing frozen image.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2013, 11:43:29 AM »
Have you tried removing the icamsource plist file, which will reset icamsource to its default state (meaning you'll need to re-add your ipCam source)? The directions are provided in the 2nd post in the following thread:


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Re: iCam live feed showing frozen image.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2013, 02:07:12 PM »
I opted for un-installing and re-installing the entire iCamsource app, seems to have fixed the problem for now. Thanks for the help!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 02:09:00 PM by Ivyb »