Author Topic: "Cannot Connect To iCam Broker Server" on EDGE or 3G - Fix coming in iCam 1.0.2  (Read 53314 times)


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GillNick - Unfortunately, opening the ports won't help with a Broker Connection Error because that error means that your phone is unable to communicate with the Broker Server, so your home computer isn't involved with that error at all.  If you were seeing a "Source Connection Error" then opening ports might help.

The Broker Connection Error either means that your iPhone has poor 3G/EDGE signal or that your service provider blocks UDP traffic.  Either way, it is an issue with your wireless service provider (as opposed to your home network, etc.).   A different provider might work better, but if the signal is poor with that new provider as well, you might have the same problem.


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I verified on tha card of 3G cuvering for France.
Yes I am in a poour 3G district. I mean my willage.
But I was trying to connect from the areas with the good 3G receiving according to the official Wi-Fi, 3G : Paris and some other towns too.
So I think it "MUST" depend on provider. ( blocking etc )
 You asked me to try to use WI-FI hot spot . I will do it and report here ( not only for me but for the others with similar problems ) .


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You may be right about the provider blocking UDP.  As I mentioned before, I was able to find SFR IP addresses in the server logs, but SFR may have several different networks and apply different blocking rules on each network.  That would explain the Broker Connection Error showing up for you, even in strong signal areas.  We haven't heard any reports from other users with issues connecting on SFR, but I don't know how many iPhone users there are on SFR.


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Here is the message I had by hot spot connecting :

Your nework may be preventing from making UDP connections to iSam broker server .


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I looked in the server logs for the IP address you sent me earlier.  I see several connections from SFR IP addresses today, so you should not be seeing the Broker Connection Error when you're connected to SFR.  Is it working for you today, or are you seeing a different error message when your iPhone is connected to SFR?


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No, no I could NEVER connect to iCam . NEVER !!!
With two iphones and from several towns . Today I tried to connect from one hot spot, as you asked me to do, on wi fi.
I could not . I had this message :

"Your nework may be preventing from making UDP connections to iSam broker server .
pls contact support .... and so on , and so on "


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only on wi fi next to my PC  you might see this connections


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I do see your iPhone connecting from your local wi-fi, but I also see the iPhone connecting using IP addresses that are owned by SFR.

If you are getting "Broker Connection Error" messages every single time you connect while your phone is on SFR, then SFR is blocking incoming UDP traffic.  I can see SFR IP addresses in the server logs, so they aren't blocking outgoing UDP traffic.

If this is the case, this is the first time we've seen a service provider allow outgoing UDP and block associated incoming UDP packets.  I would suggest you contact SFR and confirm whether or not they allow UDP communication over their mobile network.


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I will do it !!!
I also changed  my abonement at SFR
I subscribed a new abonement named  : Forfait Illimythics 3G+ Full Internet
So it starts 21 of this month which means : I ll give you a break till than  :)


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I hope the new service plan works out better for you.  If the new plan is with SFR, it may still have the same problem because the issue might be with their router settings and not necessarily the features of the service plan.

The only French networks we have any information about are Orange and Bouygues.  We have heard from users that iCam works well on the Orange network.  We've heard a couple reports of problems with Bouygues, but we haven't been able to confirm them.


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Yes but I can not change the provider for the moment. The moment is long : 1 year ! :)
What could I test more to be sure that they block some of UDP ?

My Internet provider ( it is also sfr ) has nothing to do with my problem ?



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There really isn't any different test that we can do.  In this case, since you are seeing the Broker Connection Error, but the Broker Server does see your phone, that means that the UDP messages that the server is sending back to your phone are not being received and that they are being blocked by your service provider.

Your home internet connection doesn't have anything to do with this particular error because it is the connection between the phone and the Broker Server that has the problem.


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I come back to the idea to open the port in my router. Can you , pls, give me the port which can be used for iCam;


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Opening the ports in your router won't help if you're only seeing the Broker Connection error.  It might help if you're seeing the Source Connection Error.

There is information about setting up port forwarding in this forum post:

If you have any questions about the information in that post, please let me know.


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just give me the port please.
