Port forwarding isn't always the solution to every connectivity problem, so that is why we don't have the option readily available by default. Sometimes it can make things worse or simply confuse the troubleshooting process. If you have had to forward ports in the past for other programs, here are the instructions for using port forwarding with the iCamSource:
To use port forwarding, you will need to both enable port forwarding in the iCamSource and setup a port forwarding range in your router.
To enable port forwarding in the iCamSource:
If you are running Windows, you will need to set an iCamSource registry key:
1. Download the following file to your computer and double-click it:
http://skjm.com/icam/iCamSourcePortForwarding.reg If the file opens up in notepad for some reason, let me know.
2. Restart the iCamSource. You should now see a checkbox allowing you to enable Port Forwarding. Check it, and you should see the range 12000 to 12100 by default.
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If you are running OS X, you will need to add an iCamSource user defaults setting:
1. Open a Terminal windows from Applications > Utilities > Terminal
2. Copy and paste the following line of text into it and press Enter:
defaults write com.skjm.icamsource PortRangeSet -bool true3. Restart the iCamSource. You should now see a checkbox allowing you to enable Port Forwarding. Check it, and you should see the range 12000 to 12100 by default.
Next, in your router, forward UDP (not TCP) ports 12000-12100 to the computer running the iCamSource.
Please let me know if you have any questions or are still experiencing connectivity issues.