iCam plays back the Motion Event images as fast as it can from the iCamSource. What version of iCamSource are you running, Mac or Windows?
For Mac: To enable a delay in the playback you will have to open an Applications > Utilities window and copy / paste the following and press Enter to save the setting before launching the new iCamSource:
defaults write com.skjm.icamsource MotionEventPlaybackMinDelay -int 250
For PC:
http://skjm.com/icam/MotionEventPlaybackDelay.regThat essentially sets the option to wait 1/4 of a second (or 250 ms) before displaying the next image. This will result in a maximum playback rate of 4 frames per second.
If that is still too fast, you can change the 250 to 500 to make the maximum 2 frames per second, or if 250 is too slow, she can enter 100 to achieve 10 frames per second.