Thanks for that, and my apologies for not checking out the Camera List in more detail.
I had eventually discovered the info on your website. However I'm still having problems.
I can connect to the IPcam source on my iPhone and it is 'Connected to Server'. However to get it to work I have to use the 'Port No.' after the IP address. I'm not using 'Port 80' as that is already in use. Unfortunately when I then try to view it using iCam on my iPhone 5 it doesn't work. I end up with a freeze frame from my iMac's iSight camera where my iPCam source should be.
At the moment I have a Wansview wireless IP camera NCB541B, my iMac built-in iSight, and, using IPCam, my iPhone 4 camera. I also have a Logitech webcam on my Mac Pro which I'd like to add into the mix.
I'm new to all this and a little confused. Firstly I'd love to get the iPhone 4 iPCam source working. Secondly, is there a way to get all four sources working together in iCam on my iPhone 5? I know I can run iCamSource on my Mac Pro and add the Logitech there - it works. But how do I get all four working in iCam?