Author Topic: Broker connection issues  (Read 4312 times)


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Broker connection issues
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:08:21 PM »
I am a teacher going on leave for a while. We want to set up iCam on the school computers so we can check in from time to time and make sure no one is in the lab when they aren't supposed to be (via the motion detection).

The iMacs are on the school network. When trying to login on the iPhone 5, it says "One or more of the iCamSources returned by the iCam Broker Server could not be connected to."

I have tried troubleshooting and I'm coming up blank. I don't have access to the schools router. Any advise?


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Re: Broker connection issues
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 12:27:26 PM »
A couple of things from a fellow educator....

1) I would get written permission to use iCam for the purpose that you are wanting to use it for. In my discussions with administrators in the past, they always had strong reservations about doing surveillance/security-type recording. In fact, they never would give permission. If you can't get it in writing, I certainly wouldn't risk it.

2) You district's network administrator likely has the ports blocked. If you can get the higher-ups to ok the use of iCam (in writing), you could probably forward that authorization to your network administrator so they can set up manual port forwarding for you (which you would also need to set up in icamsource). If I remember correctly, each camera source needs 6 uPNP ports. If having 2 cameras, have the network admin forward uPNP ports 12000-12011 to the IP address of the computer running icamsource. If using 2 computers to run icamsource, have 6 of the ports forwarded to one of the computers, and the other 6 forwarded to the 2nd computer.

3) If you can get permission, but don't have time or can't convince the network admin to help you out, you MIGHT be able to set up Dropbox (free), which will backup the motion events to Dropbox's cloud...which you can then access from your phone using the Dropbox app (or their website). Before seeking permission, you might want to try downloading/installing Dropbox and see if it is able to to backup a random file offsite. If it works, then you know you have a backup plan if you can't get the port forwarding done.