Hey everyone! Love icam, love icam web, and just bought ispy LOVE IT! Anyway, I had a question, and I hope im posting this in the correct place. I would love to ask opinions and advice here. I want to run a camera (Logitech 9000) outside my home overlooking my pool. So I can show other family members and friends when we are having pool parties and such! I want to use icam software due to the fact everybody i know has iphones, and i can just create a family password and login and have anyone look at it at any given time, plus the web support is very nice (maybe audio soon??)
I want to have the cam outside my home under the roof/gutter line overlooking the pool, and run this all the way to my imac. I know what your saying "how long of a run?" well its about 80 feet or so. I am looking into buying this to help out
http://www.avovercat5.com/products/digiusb_f.htmI plan on running a cat5 cable from the cam all the way to the imac, then basically having that set up all the time. I wanted to ask advice from you guys who prob know more about this then I. I know there are IP cams, coax, cams.. I looked at Logitech's new camera system, but this streamlines things for me. Its fast, being on the iphone and web is easy to do.. yadda yadda you guys know that. Any advice or words of wisdom in this process would be awesome! Thanks again for the wonderful app and help!