Would be great to only capture stream when either live viewing or when motion is detected.
This would be a welcome feature.
I have a Squeezebox Music Server system in my house (5 devices) all connected with Belkin PowerLine Adapters. When I try to add a fifth camera to my regular 4 cameras, the furthest Squeezebox device from my iMac i7 starts to rebuffer endlessly. My iMac then freezes every day and have to do a Power restart. All this is 'cured' by removing the fifth camera or just 'stopping' iCam Source.
Activity Monitor shows just 6% CPU usage when iCam Source is running and zero when 'stopped'. Network data received/sec is approximately 2.7 MB with 5 cameras and 2.2 MB with 4 cameras. This also drops to zero when iCam Source is stopped.
Seems strange as my computer is a 'mighty i7' but this is my setup. Having the cameras transmit nothing unless actively viewed or recording motion would be great!