Thank you for the IP address.
From the iCam Broker Server logs it looks like you are running 4 iCamSource on 4 computers, and all computers do appear to be on the same local network.
One thing that I am seeing is that sometimes the server is sending back more than 4 hosts to your iCam, and that is most likely due to an iCamSource recently being stopped and re-started, which would leave stale iCamSource entries in the server.
The Android version of iCam still can only view 4 sources at once, whereas the iPhone version (and iCamWeb) can view up to 12 or 16.
From the logs it looks like all of the iCamSources are USB, FireWire, or Built-In webcams, is that correct? I am assuming that when you said "wireless" and "wired" that you mean the computers are connected either via WiFi or Ethernet cable, correct?
When you connect using iCamWeb, does it say "Num Sources : 4" ? If so, and you then connect via your Droid X (which is actually one of the test Android phones that we use) do you still only see 2 iCamSources? If you tap the menu button and then tap Refresh do you still only connect to two?