It is not the standard BSD. It says something like "If this is the first time you've seen this screen, try rebooting your computer . . . "
The webcam is running for several hours before it crashes (5 or 6 hours seems to do it). Today, I checked it moments before the crash (on my iPhone) and then decided I was letting it stay on too long and tried to log on at home, through the Cisco VPN, to shut it down, but I was too late and could not log on. Getting home, I see the blue screen. Again, it has happened every time I let the program run for several hours (somewhere around six hours). My computer runs 24/7 without the program on. I've just checked the version of .NET running and it appears to be .NET CLR 3.5.30729 as the last release. I'll check for something more current. If others are not reporting a similar problem, it must be something unique about my system. Thanks.