I second this suggested feature. Really, one could write a very simple batch file and use task scheduler to run that batch file every week or whatever. But it would be nice to have features incorporated into the icamsource software (delete images every so often) and into the icam app (mass delete). If anyone is interested in the batch file route, copy and paste the one line of code below into Notepad...then save it as motiondelete.bat (change "save as type" to "All files" before clicking save). Then use Windows Task Scheduler to execute the batch file every desired increment of time.
rmdir /s /q "C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Videos\[folder named with long number]"
For example, my code is as follows. Note that my images are saved on a different drive/directory and in my dropbox folder (for automatic--and free--offsite backup of motion images, go to dropbox.com). If you delete the images from your dropbox folder, they are also automatically deleted from the dropbox server...just a warning.
rmdir /s /q "H:\My Documents\My Dropbox\Photos\1111A1A11A111A111A11AA1111AAAA111111A111"
I do not run my batch file automatically in case someone breaks in moments before my computer is scheduled to delete all of the images. But I have the batch file on my desktop so I can run it when I know it's safe to do so. Once the directory is deleted, icamsource will automatically recreate the directory (with the same name/number) when the next motion is detected. Hope this helps!