iCam Featured on the Today Show, CNN, and Good Morning America!
I feel like many of the changes that make up iCam Pro should have been included in an update for iCam, and if you wanna charge? Sure, I don't mind, but don't give us a half-ass product that's not ready, that's missing the functionality and things that we loved about the original iCam and try to tell us it's better. So far, the only thing that's better is the addition of sound recording, and recording of video, the rest of it doesn't work as promised, and I don't see a huge change in quality, if anything, video seems more choppy than before. Also, the fact that there's no real tutorial on how to use iCam Pro, like, just what is that red button for, what's recording and stop? Why can't I view the events and photos from the original iCam in the new one? Because they're different files? So, I have to keep both just to view the old events from iCam?? Come on, that's no upgrade SKJM.
I can appreciate that, but it seems that the new one doesn't bridge the gap, it creates a totally new gap. I love that it includes new tech, and better possibilities, but I find the older one to be better in some aspects, which stinks. I don't want to have to keep two iCam apps on both my phone and desktop because the older events/captures don't work in the new one. Also, again, the video playback is SLOW and choppy, if it's going to be a video experience, it must be real time and not choppy. If not, what's the advantage? Again, I appreciate the desire to make it better, it was already a really good product, but don't come out with a new app you want us to switch to and make us keep both of them. And features like using the web (that the original poster posted about) should have been included, as they were included in the original one, and this is supposed to be an upgrade.