iCam Featured on the Today Show, CNN, and Good Morning America!
@echo offcd C:\Program Files\iCamSource\echo - Checking for phone...ping /n 1 | find "TTL">NULrem replace with device IPIF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO deadIF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO alive :deadecho -- no response..start /I /SEPARATE icamsource.exeECHO --- iCam ONif exist %appdata%\off.tmp (del %appdata%\off.tmp)GOTO end :aliveecho -- Response!if exist %appdata%/off.tmp GOTO :endtaskkill /F /IM icamsource.exeECHO --- icam OFFecho placeholder > %appdata%\off.tmprem placeholder indicates process has been killed (otherwise "not found" error)GOTO end:endecho ---- %time%rem for referencePING -n 1 -w 20000 >NULrem ( is arbitrary dead host) this is the "wait time" 20000 = 20 sec"C:\Program Files\iCamSource\icamauto.bat"