OK, Never mind. With a powered USB hub, I seem to be fine now.
I do use about 50% cpu on this single core computer with 2 cameras running. With your soon to be released iCam 2.0, I think a lot of users will begin to run into cpu issues as they go beyond 4 cameras.
Not sure how you prioritize your enhancements, but it would be nice to have either a frames per second setting or a cpu throttle setting. With FPS, I could specify, say 3 FPS and see how much cpu I was using and adjust up or down until I got to the correct cpu usage. Or if you gave a cpu throttle setting, I could say 20% of cpu and see how many FPS I was getting.
In my old setup, prior to iCam, I used to record 2 frames per second, which was plenty for security purposes.
Thanks for the help.