@OUantony - hi, no it's not in my list of running (or otherwise) services, it's currently active on my pc but it's motion detection schedule is not until 8pm - 5am each day
When I check it the next day the boxes are unchecked again, it's been like this for over a year, i have to manually re-check the boxes on this pc every night
@stefan - yes it may be scheduled tasks that I use are messing with it, i've got a couple of batch files that get triggered to start it at 10pm (also a refresher restart at 1am) and one to stop it at 5.30am as I don't want it running longer than it should be. Maybe these are blowing out the check boxes, didn't think about them - i'll remove them and see how it fares, maybe introduce the start and stop ones again slowly so I can see how it goes.
thanks guys, will report back.