Since upgrading to OS 10.9.1 iCamSource 2.7.2 no longer records motion. The camera works fine. iCam works well. I can detect motion and see images on the screen properly. However even though Record Motion is checked on the Motion Detection tab it no longer records. The problem is that I cannot say if the issue is directly related to the 10.9.1 upgrade. All I can say is that I was recording motion fine before this upgrade. I normally remove the motion events either on the computer or my iPhone. About a week ago I noticed that when I went to remove the motion events on my iPhone the number was 0.
I am running iCamSource 2.7.2 on a MacBook Air that we purchased in mid-2011. If the camera was not working or the motion was not being detected I could figure out what to do. However the only thing not working is the recording of the motion. My iPhone 4S has the latest version of iOS 7 installed. I check Library/Preferences and did not see a plist file with skjm in the name.
Any help would be appreciated.