It says there's no icamsource associated with your existing login and password, but still displays the camera feed from your MacBook?? My guess is that it's related to port forwarding. Do you have icamsource running only on the Mac, with 4 cameras (your built-in webcam, plus 3 other USB or IP cameras) added as sources? Or do you have multiple computers running icamsource? If running icamsource on just one computer, do you have the "auto config router" box checked? If so, do you also have uPNP enabled in the router settings? And have you tried rebooting your computer and router? You should see a uPNP success message in icamsource if uPNP is working correctly. Or you could use manual port forwarding if you have the networking skills to do that. Also, you could try changing your login information in both icamsource and iCam to see if that helps. I've seen a couple of people post about how a login info change fixed some of their connection issues.