Jay -- For whatever reason the limiting seems to be working now, but not as I would think it should (which may be the actual problem here). Running 2.1.5a from the desktop I had the limit set at 10MB and the detection settings/image quality at default. The directory size started at 2MB. I waited a while, then checked and it was at 11MB. It then went to 12MB, then down to 9.5MB... interesting. Then it got to ~12-13MB, then it dropped down to ~5.5MB (half the pics deleted). It did this up down thing for a while and then I ramped up the settings (most sensitive/most detection/highest image quality). The limit (still set at 10MB) went to about 20MB before I noticed a lot of activity from my HDD. I looked and saw the target folder was down to 835KB. I found this to be a drastic cut in the pics recorded. Given all this, can you explain the limiting methodology?
1. Is it a First in First Out kind of a thing where one pic is deleted at a time?
2. Does the app wait until a certain time to poll? (i.e. poll for size every 5 minutes)
Also (another strange thing) running 2.1.5a from the desktop, I didn't get the popup when running at default settings. I did notice that it popped up fairly quickly after I ramped up the settings to the highest levels.+++++++++++
Edit: I continued to run 2.1.5a from the desktop with a limit of 10MB on the highest settings. Twice it's gotten up to ~20MB and then deleted all but ~800KB. Still not sure exact why it cuts so much. Also for good measure I had changed my storage folder to C:\iCam_test.
Edit 2: I moved 2.1.5a to the C:\Program Files\iCamSource directory and the same "20MB down to 800KB" thing happened. I then immediately switched back to 2.1.5, cleared the C:\iCam_test folder and let it run. It got up to 50MB (still 10MB limit) before I stopped it. I then fired 2.1.5a up to see what it would do to the 50MBs in the storage folder. Sure enough, almost immediately, it was taken down to 756KB!
Edit 3: Ok, running 2.1.5a, I moved the storage directory back to my original place (D:\shares\Photos\iCam Security\My Dropbox\Play Room Security\) with highest settings and the 10MB limit. Contrary to what I posted on October 19, 2010, @ 06:55:51 PM, it's working (you may have been right about something being up with that "downloads" folder; although I checked the permissions and Administrator has the same rights). It got up to 20MB, then it deleted everything (down to like 50KB!!). An immediate recheck showed that it was up to 795KB. Given that, I'm guessing I was just lucky to catch all those other times where I saw ~800KB and in reality iCamSource is deleting
EVERYTHING from the storage folder and starting over. Oh, I also got a popup again: "C:\program files\icamsource".
1. Is deleting all (or even most) images in the storage folder by design? I'd hate to think I set it to a 1GB limit to store a weeks worth of images, only to find out that it just hit the limit and deleted everything.
2. Can the storage cleanup method be detailed so that users can better understand it?