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Messages - mountaindew

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: icam
« on: December 26, 2008, 09:03:45 AM »
Sweet! Looking forward to that!

Merry xmas, and happy holidays to all! :)

iCam Support / Re: icam
« on: December 23, 2008, 03:07:57 PM »
Just thought of something you could possibly add on your next upgrade...

Maybe you could add something like an option on the icamsource software to have a drop down menu that would activate the "start" whenever motion is detected? That way, it'd show and pop up on the iphone on the thumnail size of the 4 if something showed up on my driveway? Just a thought.  ;D

Keep up with the great work and keep em coming! :)


iCam Support / icam
« on: December 23, 2008, 01:59:44 PM »
I just bought it a few minutes ago. Tried it on my macbook pro with my iphone over wifi. SWEET!  :) Cool! Nothing to it. Pretty much plug -n- play! :)

Just wanted to report that I'm impressed with fps (frames per second) over the wifi network is pretty fast...around 12 per second. Not too shabby!

I understand that using the 3G or EDGE would lower the fps somewhat, haven't tried it yet but will do when I go out in my car.

I have a couple of macs at home, I've always wanted to have a security camera where I could keep an eye on things at my house. Would it work if I simply connect a older camcorder with a firewire input into one of my computers at home and stream to my iphone? Of course I'd have to install the icalsource onto my other computer. Type in the same user and password. I'm at my office right now and I'm eager to try it out at home. Just wanted to know if anybody has tried this? Thinking of setting up the camcorder out of our window on our driveway by our door.

I just realize could even watch tv if you put the camcorder in front of a tv and watch your games or movies. If only the sounds would come soon! SWEET! The possibilities are endless! :)

Such a sweet application! Keep up the good work!


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