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Messages - enigma

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / iCam Service?
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:23:59 AM »

ive been using icam for a while now and i really like it  ;D

BUT one thing thats always been pissing me off:
you cant run the icam software as a service!!!  :-[

yeah, you can put it in the startup and have it run as soon as you login...
but! lets say you are on holidays and want to check whats going on at home:
you open up the iphone app and you get "unable to connect",
because there was a power shortage, the pc rebootet but it doesnt login automaticly...
get what i mean?

how the hell shud i now be able to login at a pc over 100km away?
that recently happened to me - on my 1st day of hollidays  ???
and note: finding another pc with internet access where i was, was almost impossible...

no, its not a solution to have the pc automaticly login - thats simply a security risk

cant the icam pc software be run as a service?
or is this maybe being planned for the future?

thank you everyone

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