I have had very little - almost not notable - latency before this issue. If a couple of seconds delay for audio is normal I don't understand how audio is slower than video - shouldn't it be the other way around? Video pictire stream must be harder to compress and take more bitrate than mono sound. Or? Is video faster and lighter than audio?
Yes - done that. It's the same delay with my iPhone 5 and my iPad 3 - I suppose it's the same delay whatever I use for watching - if it's delay on iCamWeb I will never know 'cause there is no sound in that solution - and I can not even get any picture at all there - no source it says - it have never really worked but that's ok - I only use my iOS-devices for checking iCam streams.. So - it's a Mac/iCamSource issue this audio delay thing - it's not in the iOS device.
No. Another strange thing - it may have nothing to do with the audio latency - is that iCam in my iPhone says I have "Send notification" on - and "Record Evetnt" on. That is not the case in iCam Source on my MacMini. I have not even Motion Detection on - nothin is on under the Motion Detection tab in iCam Source. Nada. Why do my iCam app in my iPhone say it's on?
The delay have been almost zero for years. The delay now suddenly is extrem - many seconds - and it's over 3G or localy at home when my MacMini sends and my iPhone play it over same router - MacMini wire and iPhone WiFi. Something is seriosly wrong and even if I'm kind of a IT and video wizzard and a Mac guru with over 20 years of serious computer experience I have no clue what have happend.
Nope - no change - did not work. There is also a "pong" spond - a short "plock" like in old arcade games - sounding about every third second...or just a couple of times - in my iPhone. Strange.
Mac, latest Mountain Lion, iPhone iOS6 - latest iCamSource and iCam in iPhone. USB Logitech webcam: I have about two seconds of audio delay. This is new - when I used my rig for iCam before it was fine - the only change is iOS6 since that time (I think).
Logitech QuickCam Vision Pro for Mac. And keep in mind - once more; it's ben working fine before. I think it's the iCam iPhone-app. I know the sound goes out from my computer to the internet and I can listen to it with other apps in my iPhone. This must be important info. :-)