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iCam Support / iGlasses compatibility?
« on: January 25, 2010, 12:16:07 AM »
Have been using iCam/iCamSource for a few weeks now, and I'm quite impressed. I do have one problem. It it nothing to do with iCam, however, but with the huge windows behind my back when I'm using the MacBookPro, whether sitting on the couch or at the desk. All that backlighting darkens the foreground subjects in iChat, Skype, and all the other video programs that use the iSight camera. In such situations, I normally turn on a little utility called iGlasses, which does wonders for turning up the iSight's brightness levels. It also allows for zooming, contrast, picture reverse, color adjustment, and other picture controls, and even has a night-vision setting.

Unfortunately iGlasses doesn't seem to work with iCam, so I dropped a note to the developer of iGlasses, asking for that functionality. I thought I'd drop a note here as well. Love to be able to use iGlasses with iCam, especially that night-vision setting. The perfect 24-hour security cam!

If iGlasses compatibility is not possible, would you consider adding such functionality to iCamSource?

Oh, may I also cast a vote for remote starting/stopping of iCamSource? Or at the very least a keyboard shortcut for starting and stopping iCamSource, which I could then activate easily via a custom keyboard in Remote Tap?


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