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Messages - HATCHT

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: Camara Drops off
« on: January 13, 2010, 10:56:44 PM »
I have been playing with the settings for a couple of days now,  I even bought a new router with more bandwith.  Both of my camara's are built in  the monitor(s).  One is on the Laptop( running VISTA), and the other is on a Viewsonic monitor (PC).  I hooked the new router up, made sure everything was up and running.  I tried ICAM app, it hooked to the 2 camara's one time, and even sent me an a move alert. Did not change any settings,  and now it will not hook the the PC ( runningXP). I am getting and error, Source Connection Error , One or more of the iCam Sources returned by the iCam Broker Server could not be connected to. I hate things that only work sometimes,  it is so hard to deside what may be wrong.  Do you have any suggestions? ???

iCam Support / Re: Camara Drops off
« on: January 06, 2010, 07:53:52 PM »
No Error message,,  I try the refresh on the IPHONE, and it works ( brings it back ) sometimes.  They are both USB camara, and on the same network.  Some of the time I get the Connect to ITUNES, window. ( 0n the phone)  I am on a 2G IPHONE.  Don't know what else to try

iCam Support / ITUNES Message
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:34:10 PM »
When I start the app on the IPHONE I get a message to "Connect to iTunes to Use Push Notification".  I connected to iTunes,  But I dont see where to setup the push notification.  Could you please direct me how to set up this functions?  Thanks

iCam Support / Camara Drops off
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:28:13 PM »
I puchased the app last night, and everything set up pretty easy,  I have 2 camara's . One is running on XP, and the other is on my Laptop ( Vista).  The camara on the XP machine keeps droping off the IPHONE screen, checking the camara, it is still on, and shows on the computer screen.  I can push the "stop" and then "start",  and then it will reconnet with the IPHONE.  Please advise on how to get this Camara to stay online. ???

Pages: [1]