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Messages - gregdig

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: iCamSource won't open on MacBookPro (RESOLVED)
« on: December 25, 2009, 05:52:59 PM »
Okay, I figured out what's going on and I figured I'd post it for anyone who ran into the same issue.

I had been using the old version, which opens up a normal application interface when launched. The new version doesn't, which would have been good to know prior to running the automatic updater. The new version opens a daemon that runs in the background and puts an icon in your top menu for accessing the app.

iCam Support / Re: iCamSource won't open on MacBookPro (RESOLVED)
« on: December 25, 2009, 05:46:33 PM »
Why is this thread marked "resolved"? I see no resolution at all, and I'm having the same issue on my MacBook Pro with iCamSource v1.4. The last version worked fine, but once I upgraded it stopped working.

When I double-click the app, nothing at all happens. When I try to delete the app, I get a warning that tells me it can't be thrown away because it's open, but the app isn't visible as a running app in the launch bar (but it DOES show up as a running process from the Terminal).

I've tried restarting my Mac, then throwing the iCamSource app in the trash and re-installing it, but the same thing happens when I try to launch it.

You should actually solve issues before assigning them a "resolved" tag, for people like me who search the forums before posting.

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