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Messages - scott721

Pages: [1]
The proposed solution of turning off the audio (first stopping the iCam applet, then turning off audio and then clicking "Start") appears to work.  I am now able to eject an external USB drive without stopping or quitting iCam. 

For the record, though, this is a completely "stock" iMac 24" Core 2 Duo - there are no audio inputs attached but there is an audio output (speakers) plugged into the speaker/headphone jack (_not_ into a USB port).

While this appears to be a viable solution for now it would be preferable to have the audio available and still be able to eject an external disk (which, by the way, does not have iCam running on it).

Thanks for your assistance. 

iCam Support / Re: iCam Saved the Day!
« on: November 20, 2010, 08:50:04 AM »
Does the camera that you mention - Linksys WVC54GCA - work on Macs or is this a Windows-only device?  I've searched several forums, manufacturer links, etc., and cannot get a definitive answer although it appears to be Windows-only.

If this Linksys will only work on Windows with iCam can anyone recommend a good wireless camera to use with Macs? 

Many thanks to all readers. 

Apologies for the delayed response but I didn't get any notification that a reply had been posted. 

To your question - recording has never been enabled for iCamSource on any of my machines so this cannot be the problem.

iCam Support / Re: iCamSource won't let me eject Time Machine when Started
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:42:19 AM »

For clarification - I have discovered this morning that I don't need to quit the application in order to eject the disks but rather have to either "Stop" it using the menulet or quit it.  Either one works but if neither is done the disks can't be ejected.

Thanks for your help.

iCam Support / Re: iCamSource won't let me eject Time Machine when Started
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:23:48 PM »
I am having the same problem with iCamSource not allowing the ejection of external drives while running.  These drives are not running Time Machine, nor are they being utilized in any other way.  When I attempt to eject them a dialog box appears stating that the drives are in use (and asking if I want to "force eject" them). 

The only change in my system since the problem began occurring is the addition of iCamSource so in an attempt to troubleshoot it I quit the application and was able to eject the drives immediately afterwards. 

With iCamSource not running the drives are easily ejected as normal; with it running the drives cannot be ejected.  This problem is replicable and predictable - it is clearly related to iCamSource. 

Do you have any suggestions or a potential solution?


iCam Support / Re: Start/Stop iCamSource at certain times.
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:31:25 PM »
Actually, I figured out how to do this with some very simple Applescript commands.

Launch iCamSource:
tell application "iCamSource"
end tell

Quit iCamSource:
tell application "iCamSource"
end tell

This will do what you want - I've now got them integrated into a Quickeys sequence that does a bunch of other things upon the press of a button when I leave my desk (e.g., set Skype status to "Offline", mute the sound, start the screensaver, etc.) and now have added "Launch iCamSource."  I have the reverse set up for when I return to my desk that has now added "Quit iCamSource." 

Hope this helps.   

iCam Support / Re: Start/Stop iCamSource at certain times.
« on: December 11, 2009, 07:51:28 AM »
+1 for Applescript capabilities. 

There's no need for me to keep the camera active while at my desk so I'd like to set it up to turn on when I leave via an Applescript.  I've already got a script set up via Quickeys that sets my Skype status to "Offline", mutes my sound, turns on the screensaver, etc.  Adding the ability to simply start/stop via Applescript would be extremely helpful. 

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