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Messages - bricekar

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: Heden icam issue
« on: July 07, 2014, 04:19:45 PM »
i've tried on your weblink to the which url is working.

the issue i get is that to test all known tries, login and password are asked

i've tested on your webpage, the url link fomatted like this, which was working

That working formated urllink is not working on  the UMS multiclient.V2.1.0.1
i'm also obliged to feed information (port and password), if not, issue message displayed !
please help

iCam Support / Heden icam issue
« on: July 06, 2014, 07:03:57 AM »
dear, thanks for any help.

i'm configuring on the icam the heden webcam ip, but the webcam is secured with login/password.
how could we configure the parameters for accessing the webcam ?

i had information from this website :http : // www [dot] ispyconnect [dot] com / man.aspx? n = Heden

i tried :
http : // IPADDRESS / videostream .cgi ? user = [USERNAME] & pwd = [PASSWORD]
http : // IPADDRESS / video.cgi ? user = [USERNAME] & pwd = [PASSWORD]

could you please help ?


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