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Messages - tuanis

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: Using two IP/Wi-Fi cameras
« on: June 24, 2014, 10:58:28 PM »
I believe I have found a solution. Having both Foscam network cameras running was bogging down my wi-fi to dialup speeds. Through adjusting the resolution and frame rate on the Foscam cameras, they are both staying connected (for now), and my network speeds are back up to normal.

iCam Support / Using two IP/Wi-Fi cameras
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:56:47 PM »
Up until recently, I had 3 hard-wired webcams and 1 Foscam 8910W connected to iCam and it worked flawlessly. I just connected a 2nd Foscam 8910W, made sure the firmware was up to date on both IP/Wi-Fi cameras, and downloaded the latest version of iCam source. Both Foscam cameras connect initially for a minute or so, but eventually one of the Foscam cameras won't be able to retrieve JPEG data, and I get a "network camera offline" image when I try to load that cam. On occasion, I'll be able to get an image on the Foscam camera that's giving me trouble, but then I lose it again a few seconds later. Anyone ever come across this? Are the two Foscam cameras an issue?

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