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Messages - jhubers

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: iOS 7 issue
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:20:54 PM »
Same issue persists after re-installing.  No change.  It actually seems to crash even faster now.  The windows app does not crash.  It appears to keep running normally.

UPDATE:  Looks like it IS now working when on WiFi with the phone, but still crashes when on cellular data (AT&T LTE).  Very odd. Sometimes one camera will crash with the Connection Closed message but the other works just fine.  Seems random which one crashes first.  Sometimes both crash and sometimes neither of them crashes.

iCam Support / iOS 7 issue
« on: January 12, 2014, 02:30:13 PM »
Just upgraded one of my iPhones from 6.x to iOS 7.0.4. Now whenever I go into iCam, it all starts fine (connects, I see both my cameras, I can open either camera) but then crashes soon after viewing or adjusting (p/t) either camera.  I get a a Connection Closed error. It happens with either camera (LogiTech Orbit USB and HooToo IP) and sometimes crashes both of them and sometimes only one. On my other iPhone (running iOS 6.1.3) everything still works perfectly.  Running the latest iOS app on both phones and 2.7.2 Source on my Windows PC.

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