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Messages - maax555

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: Feature Request
« on: November 25, 2013, 05:38:37 AM »
thanks for reply. One other useful feature would be to remotely choose front or rear cam when using an ipad/iphone as the source. This would allow you to view two positions from one source or more importantly switch the view remotely when you forget to choose the correct view at start of icam source.

one other thing which i already assumed was part of this package is that full motion with audio should be possible to record under motion detection rather than the single frames without audio it currently records.

Perhaps an option so that when an alert is received you could also choose to record remotely?

I want to add a couple of webcams but unsure what will and wont work. I will visit the recommended webcam page.

thanks again.

iCam Support / Re: Motion Event Deletion
« on: November 25, 2013, 05:32:09 AM »
Many thanks I since found it ( i swear i had already tried it) and it works fine.

iCam Support / Motion Event Deletion
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:10:58 AM »
Hi, is there a way to delete all the motion events from a particular event?
as far as i can see you need to open each snapshot and delete. This could take forever as I have events with 429 images.
Surely keeping finger on an event should allow complete event to be deleted.

Am i missing something?

iCam Support / Feature Request
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:25:15 AM »
Hi All, i am 100% sure this must have been requested many time before now but I am unable to find a feature request section.

The ability to to have the source (an Ipad, Iphone or Ipod) locked so that no one can detect that Icam is running hence viewing them.
I have only had the Icam and source software a couple of days and it work great on my 4G iphone 5s.

However if the source had the ability of the following I would be happy to pay £20 for it.

1) need the source to be locked to lock screen or another such as running a black screen and then when touched it stays black but requests your password.
2) remotely turn on the source if you have left house and forgot to run icam source.

I can only imagine that the first one is so obvious that Apple do not allow this.

Comments from SKJM please.

regards Maax

Pages: [1]