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Messages - Captain Eddie

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: iCamSource performance on Atom
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:34:48 PM »
I have two Logitech 525 cameras connected to an Eee Box with a dual core Atom D525 at 1.8 GHz running Windows 7 32-bit.  The good news is that it draws only 11 watts.  The bad news is that two cameras is all that it can handle!  I attempted to connect a third, but the machine became so sluggish as to be unusable.  I attempted to load Win XP onto this Eee box, but could not get drivers for its network card or for its wireless card, so I gave up and put Win 7 back onto it.  I do have the Log Me In client running on it so that I can remotely administer it, as it is monitoring a vacation house that is quite a drive from where I normally live.

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