iCam Support / Where is Dynamic DNS option?
« on: October 01, 2012, 04:14:50 PM »
Is it possible to please add the functionality for the iCamSource and iCam to use dynamic DNS instead of updating via your servers please?
Each router reset gives me a new IP from my ISP which is automatically updated to DynDNS by my router, however the iCamSource for some reason requires a stop and start to send the new IP address to your servers so I can connect externally - this appears to be an architectural flaw as I don't see another option for handling IP changes without performing a stop/start
If there was a dynamic DNS option I wouldn't need to restart the source as my dynamic name would always be correct. In addition surely this would significantly lessen the load on your servers as I presume you are not holding IP addresses for any other purpose ...
Otherwise a really great app.
Each router reset gives me a new IP from my ISP which is automatically updated to DynDNS by my router, however the iCamSource for some reason requires a stop and start to send the new IP address to your servers so I can connect externally - this appears to be an architectural flaw as I don't see another option for handling IP changes without performing a stop/start
If there was a dynamic DNS option I wouldn't need to restart the source as my dynamic name would always be correct. In addition surely this would significantly lessen the load on your servers as I presume you are not holding IP addresses for any other purpose ...
Otherwise a really great app.