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Messages - darne11

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: FEATURE REQUEST: personal proximity auto start / stop
« on: August 23, 2012, 12:20:44 PM »
Iphones maintain the wifi connection when plugged in. With older versions of iOS they maintained the Wifi connection always, but as of iOS 5 (I think..) the data switches to cellular when in "standby mode" (for push notifications it needs an active connection) . Pretty lame feature IMO - Apple might change this back in future versions, many people have been complaining about it. I havent checked, but I dont think this would be an issue for an android device.

For me it works well, as I usually have my phone plugged in or am using it while at home. It does go into standby, icamsource comes on and usually detects movement right away as im home doing stuff, then sends the push notification via 3G to my phone which takes it out of standby and reconnects to the wifi (pingable again). It also makes the notification sound reminding me to dock my phone.

iCam Support / Re: personal proximity auto start / stop
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:29:00 AM »
1) Yes, that is a risk. My apartment is small enough that anyone breaking in while I'm home would be impossible not to notice, even if I was asleep. Also small enough that if icamsource is running with push on I get constant notifications at home :|

2) I set a DHCP reservation for my phone. That way it has a "static" ip that wont be given to other devices, but still operates using regular DHCP on other networks.

It'd be cool if it was a feature! While a scanner for devices would be great, it could just be a little box for putting in IP (putting a scanner in would require a lot more code and function than just a simple PING check). You can always check the IP on the device, on the DHCP server (router) or using one of many dedicated scanning programs out there.

I'm not sure of all the switches, but I think you can choose sources when running icamsource.exe from command line. If you rename the EXE (icamsource2.exe) you could have some cams on all the time where others go off and on ;)

iCam Support / FEATURE REQUEST: personal proximity auto start / stop
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:36:58 PM »
Great program!

I was unhappy with the scheduler and having to flip on/off for push notifications and recording pictures so I made a simple batch script to check for my cellphone on the local WiFi. If its there (i'm home) the icam exits or stays exited. If the phone is not there (if im not home) it starts icamclient, which is set to autorun and autopush / record.


\icamsource\icamauto.bat :
Code: [Select]
@echo off
cd C:\Program Files\iCamSource\
echo - Checking for phone...
ping /n 1 | find "TTL">NUL
rem replace with device IP
echo -- no response..
start /I /SEPARATE icamsource.exe
ECHO --- iCam ON
if exist %appdata%\off.tmp (del %appdata%\off.tmp)
GOTO end
echo -- Response!
if exist %appdata%/off.tmp GOTO :end
taskkill /F /IM icamsource.exe
ECHO --- icam OFF
echo placeholder > %appdata%\off.tmp
rem placeholder indicates process has been killed (otherwise "not found" error)
GOTO end

echo ---- %time%
rem for reference
PING -n 1 -w 20000 >NUL
rem ( is arbitrary dead host) this is the "wait time" 20000 = 20 sec
"C:\Program Files\iCamSource\icamauto.bat"

Pages: [1]