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Messages - brokencircuit85

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: Notification when camera is offline
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:40:06 AM »
Interesting, so assuming the following:

-- The camera is indoors in a room that no one *should ever* enter (so no motion should ever occur)
-- iCam will record motion events with 2 or more frames detected
-- Notifications are turned on,

then if the camera goes offline for some reason, I should be notified as a motion event, with 1 frame of something, and 1 frame of "black".. right?

iCam Support / Notification when camera is offline
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:19:54 PM »
Hello everyone!

I'm trying to figure out a way to be notified in the event that iCam can't connect to a given IP camera after a certain number of attempts. There are many reasons for wanting this functionality, such as:

-- If a camera goes offline from the  network, I can know if it must be reset
-- If there's other network or power interruptions, being notified at least gives me a clue, so that I can check on it and not go weeks at a time without any monitoring.

I have two strategies for doing this:
-- Do this via the computer on-site running iCam source
-- Do this via an outside computer or iOS device (iCam for an iOS device, and [?] software on a computer)

iCam source records motion events, and can notify you of motion events, but I don't think iCam source has functionality to repeatedly ping a camera or to notify you if it can't ping a given camera, right? I am thinking I'll have to figure this out via an alternate piece of software.

I have Indigo for Mac. Now I'm curious if I can use Indigo for Mac to monitor cameras in an alternate location, assuming that I know the iCam username and password... a whole other can of worms. Thoughts appreciated!

iCam Support / Re: Image resolution > 640x480?
« on: June 27, 2012, 09:08:17 AM »
This was tremendously helpful. Thank you for the explanation!

iCam Support / Re: Image resolution > 640x480?
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:23:54 PM »
I'm using two Edimax IC-3015WN cameras.

Interestingly, when I open the folder where motion events are recorded on my Mac, they're a full 1280x960. So I know the full-res images are getting there, but still 427x320 (0.1MP) images are being sent to my iPhone in iCam.

Worst-case I can cook up some kind of script to email the full-res images when they arrive on the Mac, or something...

iCam Support / Re: Image resolution > 640x480?
« on: June 26, 2012, 12:31:45 PM »
If the images are "blurry" you can try sliding the image quality / framerate slider to Better Image Quality instead of Better Frame Rate. That will improve the JPEG compression quality of the images.

I have done that. It's maxed out high quality on the slider.

When opening the URL for the cameras on my browser at home it looks really crisp and clear. The iCam app shows the images from motion events. I saved one to the camera roll and I find that it's only 427x320.

The camera I am using is set to SXVGA (1280x960) so that's ideal, but at this point, now that I know the iCam app is only delivering feeds at 427x320, I would be happy just to get my "money's worth" 640x480". Wonder if I'm doing anything wrong...

iCam Support / Re: Image resolution > 640x480?
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:05:40 AM »
I was about to post a thread about this same issue, and this explains why my images are so dang blurry!

I guess I need to have some secondary solution recording motion events, aside from iCamSource, until this is changed. What applications are good for recording events at full res, and/or just recording video at full time?

My IP cameras have native motion detection in their web-based settings pages, and can email the images to you. I might just give this feature a try, too.

iCam Support / Re: images in notifications
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:02:04 AM »
Really? I just set up iCam and iCamSource, and when motion happens, I get notified, with images. I have to open the app, tap the desired cam, tap "view motion events", and the images from the motion event are there. I can't recall any special config that I did to make that happen.

EDIT: I see your point. You want your device lock screen to show the image. Never mind.

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