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Messages - brokendemo

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: "No Sources Found. There are currently.....
« on: November 15, 2011, 03:35:51 PM »
You can add another to the list. I have almost the same problem. Mine is weird in that I will check the camera at 1pm (or whenever) and it will be working great. Then I will check again at 1:20pm and I get the error described above. Then, after feeling annoyed and using Remote Desktop to make sure the connection is ok and the camera is still running (it always is), then I will check again later at 2pm and it will be working again. It has been happening a bunch lately. Could it have anything to do with server load? I don't really know much about such things, but I just noticed the "donate to help with server costs" button and it occurred to me that maybe that could be an issue?

It can be pretty frustrating, whatever the issue.

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