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Topics - tuanis

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Using two IP/Wi-Fi cameras
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:56:47 PM »
Up until recently, I had 3 hard-wired webcams and 1 Foscam 8910W connected to iCam and it worked flawlessly. I just connected a 2nd Foscam 8910W, made sure the firmware was up to date on both IP/Wi-Fi cameras, and downloaded the latest version of iCam source. Both Foscam cameras connect initially for a minute or so, but eventually one of the Foscam cameras won't be able to retrieve JPEG data, and I get a "network camera offline" image when I try to load that cam. On occasion, I'll be able to get an image on the Foscam camera that's giving me trouble, but then I lose it again a few seconds later. Anyone ever come across this? Are the two Foscam cameras an issue?

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