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Topics - Oman

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / iCam kills Gmail video?
« on: October 01, 2009, 10:06:02 PM »
Prior to installing the iCam software I was able to use Gmail video chat feature without any problem. I installed iCam on my laptop and my desktop to monitor my house. Recently I wanted to chat with my son over Gmail video chat and now it will not load. I removed the iCam software and reinstalled it and my Gmail video chat still does not work. My GF did not install the iCam software on her computer and her video chat still works.  Has anyone else experienced this problem or have a working Gmail video Chat while having the iCam software installed? I believe iCam caused this problem because it is the only difference between my GF computer and mines. We have mostly the same software on our computers. We both use Windows based computers.

Can the makers of iCam look into this issue and see if they can resolve it?

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